Forms & Policies

Required Paperwork and Authorized Pick-Ups

Required Forms

Health Plans and Medication

Drop-off and Pick-up

You will receive specific instructions about drop-off and pick-up in an email from your site supervisor the week prior to your camp start. Be sure to bring a photo ID and your authorized pick-up PIN to check your camper in/out.

Swimming is a core summer experience. The YMCA recognizes that it is also the most high-risk activity we will partake in this summer. Here are some ways we strive to minimize that risk:

  1. Our staff-to-child ratio changes from 1:15 to 1:10 in and around water.
  2. Children can choose to take a swim test at the beginning of a swim session. 
    The swim tests consists of the child treading water for 1 minute, maneuvering their body from vertical to horizontal in the water and then swimming the length of the pool. Once a child passes, they are placed on a list so that they don't have to take it again the rest of the summer. They will be given a wrist band each time we go swimming, indicating that they have passed the test. They will be able to go down slides, off diving boards and into the deep ends of pools.
  3. Children who do not pass or do not take the swim test will still get to play in the water, but they will only be able to go into water that does not rise past their mid-chest level. The counselors in the water with the kids will form a wall in the water at a depth that is at mid-chest for most untested kids. Children who do not pass the swim test will not be able to go past that wall of counselors.

We strive to earn the trust you place in us and will show up each time we swim, ready to be worthy of your trust.


Code of ConductParent HandbookQuick Guide

Questions about your account, registration or payment? Contact Us

Questions about your program? Reach out to your site supervisor.

**We have Zero Tolerance for bullying in our programs. Please review our behavior guidelines and approach found in the parent handbook and ensure that your camper understands all expectations.**

Refund and Cancellation Policies