NinjaZone at Littleton YMCA

NinjaZone is a fusion of obstacle course training, gymnastics, martial arts and freestyle movement with the freedom for kids to progress and learn at their own pace.

NinjaZone embodies discipline, focused energy and skill to develop children for life.
  • Class Format: 4-weeks, 50-minute Classes
  • Classes Offered: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays


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Lil Ninjas

Ages 3-5

A lil ninja's class goals include listening skills, confidence, trying new things, working through frustration, and manners. We do all this through a strategic mix of skills and progressions building both strength and confidence alike.


Ages 6-11

NinjaZone is a progressive level system that evaluates and advances children in their skill and knowledge of core values as described in the NinjaZone creed. Children advance and learn at their own pace. Kids walk away more confident, more aware, stronger and more coordinated.

Mission Ceremony

A mission ceremony is for the advancement of ninja boys or ninja girls to move up to the next level (white, yellow, green and blue). When Ninjas are ready to move to the next level, trainers will fill out an “Invitation to Mission Card.” At their mission, Ninjas will be evaluated on mastery of their skills and on The Creed.

Youth Sports

New to the Y and want to register? Join Now! Make sure you set up a YMCA account. Questions? Contact us.