Welcome to the exciting world of Esport! We provide a platform for gamers to showcase their skills, compete at the highest level, and engage with a passionate community of fans. Esports at the Y provides a supervised safe space for your youth to compete in a plethora of games. We carefully curate our game lineup to offer a variety of genres and cater to different player preferences.

Ages 12 - 18


What Are Esports?

Esports, short for electronic sports, is the art of competitive video gaming. It's a phenomenon that has revolutionized entertainment, drawing players and audiences from around the globe into its gripping narratives and breathtaking displays of skill. Just like traditional sports, esports has professional players, teams, leagues, tournaments, and championships – all with their own superstars and stories.

In esports, precision, quick reflexes, and tactical brilliance reign supreme. Players master intricate mechanics, devise ingenious strategies, and outthink their opponents in real-time.