It’s that time again when we make resolutions for all we want to accomplish in the New Year. New Year’s Resolutions seem like a good idea, but most people only stick to them for the first few months of the year! In fact, it’s been found that 80% of resolutions made in January fail by the end of February. But this is not meant to be discouraging. It just means we need to rethink how we are setting goals. Here we look at how.
Be Smart!
If we want to improve, our goal setting needs to improve too! It’s easy to make goals such as, "I will eat healthy." However, vague goals can end in frustration as there is no clear definition of what, how and by when you will successfully achieve your goal. To set yourself up for success, use these tips for creating “SMART” goals:
S – Make the goal specific. What do you want to accomplish? Be very clear and avoid words like “more” or “less.”
M – Make the goal measurable. How will you determine if you are being successful? Whether it’s in time, amount, or frequency, make sure you can measure and evaluate your progress.
A – Make the goal achievable. Do you have tools to make this goal happen? You want to be optimistic but also realistic.
R -- Make the goal relevant. Is it important to you? Some people make resolutions because they’re popular or seem to be the “thing to do.” But to be successful, you need a goal that’s personal and meaningful to you.
T – Make the goal time-bound. Do you have a realistic timeline for achieving your goal? Setting a deadline for what you want to do can make you more accountable and focused.
Smart Examples
So, how does this look in practice? If, for example, you want to improve your nutrition, examples of SMART goals are:
- I will not eat processed sugar six out of seven days per week for the next two months. I will start this Sunday.
- Starting today, I will fill half my plate or bowl with fruits and vegetables at lunch and dinner. I will do this for the next six months.
- I will eat meat free every Monday starting this week.
- Monday through Friday I will make my dessert fresh fruit.
- For the next two months I will not eat directly out of containers or packages.
Ready, Set, Go!
After you’ve created your SMART New Year’s Resolution, another tip for being successful is to consider having a support system. Do you have someone in your life who is trying to accomplish the same thing? Having a support system not only keeps you accountable to your goal, but also challenges you to create more goals along the way!
If your goal is fitness related, ask a friend to join you for some workouts, or look into working with a personal trainer. If your goal is nutrition based, find a nutritionist who can help you with meal plans and grocery lists. Want to learn something new? Look into classes in the area. Regardless of what your resolution is, find the resources that can help you get there. But remember: It starts with you!
In 2020, take ownership and be excited about what you are working toward! There can be a great deal of stress when you choose a new goal, but try your best to let that go, enjoy the process, and reward yourself along the way! Change is hard work and hard work should be celebrated. It’s going to be a great New Year!
About Liz
A former pediatric nurse, Liz Bravman, RN, is a cycling instructor, nutrition educator and personal trainer at the Susan M. Duncan Family YMCA in Arvada. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and a Master’s degree in nutrition education.